Thai Mama Added to Our Directory Listing

Thai Mama - Maryland Heights, MO

Thai Mama is a Thai restaurant in Maryland Heights, MO, that is highly rated.

MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO (USPress.News) Thai Mama is a new Thai restaurant in Maryland Heights, MO, that has been added to our restaurant business directory on USPress.News.

We chose to add this business because of its high ratings and the high ratings at Thai Kitchen, which is owned by Sasimonthon Ongartsutthikul.

Ongartsutthikul began her restaurant career in the US in 1999, and after some challenging years, she figured out her formula for success.  She is backed by her family, who work in the restaurant with her, including her mother, Rose, who is 76 and still loves to stand by her daughter, making customers happy.  But she is also backed by her loyal customers, some of whom dined with her in Maryland Heights in 1999, who are happily returning, like they are missing a long-lost friend.

The new location opened on March 21, 2024, and has accumulated 97 reviews, resulting in 5 stars.  There is little doubt about the future success of this new brand.  Will her future restaurants be Thai Kitchen or Thai Mama?  No comment!

Regardless of the name, the menu, service, and hours are the same for all restaurants providing consistency.

Author: Martin Smith
Smith is the Editor in Chief of USPress.News, STLPress.News, STL.News, St. Louis Restaurant Review and STL.Directory. Additionally, he is responsible for designing and developing a network of sites that gathers thousands of press releases daily, vis RSS feeds, which are used to publish on the news sites.